Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Father Denied Custody Of His Daughter Due To Law Identifying Lesbian Mothers As Legal Parents

I am amazed at the opposition to this bill. Do our children only deserve to be loved by 2 people? That's asinine! This is 2012, it's not a perfect world, but a child deserves to have the love of all of their parents!! AAARRRRGGG!!!! This makes me so frustrated!

Check out this article and let me know what you think.

Anybody in California? Have you heard of Senate Bill 1476?


Saturday, September 1, 2012

Facebook Friday!!

Each Friday, starting October 2012, we will feature a facebook page (community) that we support!

If you would like to check it out and "like" them, feel free to do so and let them know that The DADPR project sent you.

We believe this is one way to increase awareness about our cause and share a network of people who are experiencing some of the same trials we face.

If you'd like to submit a page to be featured here, please comment below.