3 Vessels of Influence
- Collaborate with efforts that encourage the role of Fathers in the lives of their daughters
- Stay abreast of legislative issues that affect our cause
- Stay connected to experts in family law that support equal and shared parenting
- Support efforts that encourage positive relationships in blended families
- Be a vehicle for society to learn about issues in family law, shared/equal custody, and the importance of Father/Daughter relationships
- Spread the word about the injustices fathers face in the legal system when trying to attain custody and/or visitation of their daughters
- Highlight positive changes in the justice system that help fathers maintain relationships with their daughters
- Educate Fathers and Daughters on their right to have a relationship with each other
- Train other individuals to be advocates on issues of Fathers in the Family Law environment
- Provide resources for people who advocate on behalf of the Father/Daughter relationship